Emulation—a process that entails substituting an integrated circuit with software that imitates the hardware's behavior—is a crucial step in the development of complex circuits. Leti is now making its Mentor Veloce emulator available to chip manufacturers as part of a lineup of services that includes support from Leti emulation experts and access to additional proprietary Leti tools.
The new service is the logical next step in Leti's partnership with Mentor. Now businesses will be able to take full advantage of the powerful emulator through a modular lineup of services to suit each customer's unique background and in-house emulation know-how. In addition to access to the emulator, companies can also take advantage of support from Leti experts, who can handle implementation, optimization, and debugging and analyze test results.
Emulation is a true source of competitive advantage for integrated circuit design houses. And Mentor Veloce is 1,000 times faster than conventional simulators, substantially shortening development cycles and time to market. Users can debug their circuit designs and make sure that the embedded software operates as intended early on in the design process.