When it comes to detecting the presence of viruses in the air, Bertin Technologies' Coriolis Nano is a particularly effective weapon. The device was initially developed to head off bacteriological threats like anthrax attacks. The current pandemic has given it a new mission: detecting coronavirus particles in the air. The compact and very quiet portable system, which collects airborne particles, bacteria, and viruses and measures individuals' risk of exposure, is based on a technology developed and patented by Leti in research conducted through a joint lab with Bertin Technologies. It is especially useful in hospitals and other medical settings.
The collector is made up of a tube through which the air flows at a rate of 10 liters per minute, representative of the average person's breathing. The device has already proven effective on respiratory viruses and was tested on SARS-Cov-2. Once the air is inside the device, an electrostatic field instantly charges any particles present, orienting them toward one of two electrodes. Particles of all sizes (even less than 1 micron) can be captured. And, because there is no filter, the device's yields do not diminish over time and it is easier to recover the samples for more advanced lab tests.