Present position
Enseignante-Chercheuse (Associate Professor) at
Grenoble InP/Phelma
Research Activities
Micromagnetic modelling of magnetic nanostructures
Theory/Simulation team.
2017: Habilitation - University Grenoble Alpes (France)
2001: PhD - Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg (France)
1998: MSc Physics - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Book chapter:
6. H. Béa,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu Ferromagnétisme à l’échelle nanométrique, accepté pour publication par Techniques de l’ingénieur (2018)
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu Micromagnetism applied to magnetic nanostructures Introduction to Magnetic Random-Acces Memory John Wiley /IEEE Press, (2017) doi:
4. B. Dieny, R.C. Sousa, J. Hérault, C. Papusoi, G. Prenat,U. Ebels, D. Houssameddine, B. Rodmacq, S. Auffret,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, M.C. Cyrille, B. Delaet, O. Redon,C. Ducruet, J.P. Nozieres and L. Prejbeanu
Spintronic Devices for Memory and Logic Applications Handbook of Magnetic Materials V19 - 978-0-444-53780-5 (2011)
3. U. Ebels,
L.D. Buda, I.L. Prejbeanu, M. Natali
Circular magnetic elements: ground states, reversal and dipolar interactions NATO-Science Series vol. 91, p. 193-211, éditeurs L. M. Liz-Marzan et M. Giersig Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers (2003)
2. U. Ebels,
L.D. Buda, K. Ounadjela, P.E. Wigen
Small amplitude dynamics of non-homogeneous magnetization distributions: the excitation spectrum of stripe domains Topics in Applied Physics: Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures vol. 83, p. 167, éditeurs B. Hillebrands et K. Ounadjela, Springer Verlag (2002)
1. K. Ounadjela, I.L. Prejbeanu,
L.D. Buda, U. Ebels, M. Hehn
Observation of micromagnetic configurations in mesoscopic magnetic elements Lecture notes in physics: Spin electronics vol. 569, p. 332-378, éditeurs M. Thornton et M. Ziese, Springer (2001)
Regular articles:
73. N. Perrissin, G.
Gregoire, S. Lequeux, L. Tillie, N. Strelkov, S. Auffret,
Buda-Prejbeanu, R.C. Sousa, L. Vila, B. Dieny and I.L.
Perpendicular shape anisotropy spin transfer torque magnetic random-access
memory: Towards sub-10 nm devices Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
52 234001 (2019)
72. N. Perrissin, S.
Lequeux, N. Strelkov, A. Chavent, L. Vila,
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S.
Auffret, R.C. Sousa, I.L. Prejbeanu, B. Dieny
Highly thermally stable sub-20nm magnetic
random-access memory based on perpendicular shape anisotropy Nanoscale 54,
9300204 (2018) DOI:
71. N. Strelkov, A.
Chavent, A. Timopheev, R. C. Sousa, I. L. Prejbeanu,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu and
B. Dieny
Impact of Joule heating on the stability phase diagrams of
perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions Phys. Rev. B 98, 214410 (2018)
70. A. Atitoaie, I. Firastrau,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, U. Ebels, and M. Volmer
Macrospin analysis o f RF
excitations within fully perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions with second
order easy-axis magnetic anisotropy contribution J. Appl. Phys.
093902 (2018)
69. M. Tortarolo, B. Lacoste, J.
Hem, C. Dieudonné, M.-C. Cyrille, J. A. Katine, D. Mauri, A. Zeltser,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu and U. Ebels
Injection locking at 2f of spin torque
oscillators under influence of noise Scientific Reports
8,1728 (2018) DOI:
68. M. Cubuckcu, O. Boulle, N. Mikuszeit, C.
Hamelin, T. Brächer, N. Lamard, M.-C. Cyrille,
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu, K.
Garello, I.M. Miron, O. Klein, G. de Loubens, V.V. Naletov, J. Langer, B.
Ocker, P. Gambardella and G. Gaudin
Ultra-fast magnetization reversal of a
three-terminal perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction by spin-orbit torque IEEE
Trans.Magn. 54, 9300204 (2018)
67. R. Juge, S.-G. Je, D. de Souza Chaves, S.
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu, L. Aballe, M. Foerster, A. Locatelli, T. Onur
Mentes, A.Sala, F. Maccherozzi, S. Dhesi, S. Auffret, G. Gaudin, J. Vogel and
O. Boulle
Magnetic skyrmions in confined geometries: effect of the magnetic
field and the disorder de J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
455, 3 (2018)
66. A. Ruiz-Calaforra, A. Purbawati, T.
Bracher, J. Hem, C. Murapaka, E. Jiménez, D. Mauri, A. Zeltser, J. A. Katine,
M.-C. Cyrille
, L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, and U. Ebels
Frequency shift
keying by current modulation in a MTJ-based STNO with high data rate Appl.
Phys. Lett.
111, 082401 (2017)
65. M. Romera, E. Monteblanco, F.
Garcia-Sanchez, B. Delaët,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, U. Ebels
of interlayer coupling on the spin torque driven excitations in a spin torque
nano-oscillator Phys. Rev. B
95, 094433 (2017) DOI:
64. C. Iss, G. Ortiz, A.
Truong, Y. Hou, T. Livache, R. Calemczuk, P. Sabon, E. Gautier, S. Auffret,
D. Buda-Prejbeanu, N. Strelkov, H. Joisten, and B. Dieny
Fabrication of
nanotweezers and their remote actuation by magnetic fields Scientific
7, 451 (2017) DOI:
63. E. Monteblanco, F.
Garcia-Sanchez, D. Gusakova,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, U. Ebels
Transfer Torque Nano-oscillators based on Synthetic Ferrimagnets: Influence of
the exchange bias field and interlayer exchange coupling J. Appl. Phys.
013903 (2017)
62. N. Strelkov, A. A.
Timopheev, R. C. Sousa, M. Chshiev,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Dieny
phase diagram of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction in non-collinear
geometry Phys. Rev. B
95, 184409 (2017) DOI:
61. A. A. Timopheev, B.M.S.
Teixeira, R.C. Sousa, S. Aufret, T.N. Nguyen,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, M.
Chshiev, N.A. Sobolev, B. Dieny
Granularity of the free layer in
perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions: micromagnetic anisotropy and
efficiency of spin-transfer torque switching Phys. Rev. B
014412 (2017) DOI:
60. M. Romera, B. Lacoste,
U. Ebels,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu Spin torque driven dynamics of a
coupled two layer structure: interplay between conservative and dissipative
coupling Phys. Rev. B
94, 094432 (2016) DOI:
59. C.I.L. de
Araujo, S.G. Alves,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Dieny
thermally assisted magnetoresistive random acces Memory based on vortex
configuration Phys. Rev. Applied
6, 024015 (2016) DOI:
58. A. Purbawati, F.
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, U. Ebels
Enhanced modulation
rates via field modulation in spin torque nano-oscillators Appl. Phys.
102 122402 (2016)
E. Jué, A. Thiaville, S. Pizzini, J.
Miltat, J. Sampaio,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Rohart, J. Vogel, M.
Bonfim, O. Boulle, S. Auffret, I. M. Miron, G. Gaudin
Domain wall dynamics
in ultrathin Pt/Co/AlOx microstrips under large combined magnetic fields Phys. Rev. B
93, 014403 (2016) DOI:
56. O. Boulle, J. Vogel, H.
Yang, S. Pizzini, D. de Souza Chaves, A. Locatelli, T. O. Mentes, A. Sala,
D. Buda-Prejbeanu, O. Klein, M. Belmeguenai, Y. Roussigné, A. Stashkevich,
A. M. Cherifi, L. Aballe, M. Foerster, M. Chshiev, S. Auffret, I.M. Miron, G.
Room-temperature chiral magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin magnetic
nanostructures Nat. Nanotech.
11, 449 (2016) DOI:
55. E. Jué, C.K. Safeer, M.
Drouard, A. Lopez, P. Balint,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, O. Boulle, S.
Auffret, A. Schuhl, A. Manchon, I. M. Miron, G. Gaudin
Chiral damping of
magnetic domain walls Nat. Mater.
15, 272 (2015) DOI:
54. C.K. Safeer, E. Jué, A.
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Auffret, S. Pizzini, O. Boulle, I.M.
Miron, G. Gaudin
Spin–orbit torque magnetization switching controlled by
geometry Nat. Nanotech.
11, 143 (2015) DOI:
53. N.
Mikuszeit, O. Boulle, I. M. Miron, K. Garello, P. Gambardella, G. Gaudin and
D. Buda-Prejbeanu,
Spin-orbit torque driven chiral magnetization
reversal in ultrathin nanostructures Phys. Rev. B
92, 144424 (2015) DOI:
52. A. A. Timopheev, R. C.
Sousa, M. Chshiev,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Dieny
influence of in-plane and out-of-plane spin-transfer torques in magnetization
switching of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions Phys. Rev. B
104430 (2015) DOI:
51. M. Romera, E.
Monteblanco F. Garcia-Sanchez, B. Delaët
, L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, U. Ebels
Non-linear mode interaction between spin torque driven and damped modes in
spin torque nano-oscillator Appl. Phys. Lett.
106, 192405 (2015)
50. B. Lacoste, M. Marins
de Castro, T. Devolder, R. C. Sousa,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Auffret,
U. Ebels, C. Ducruet, I. L. Prejbeanu, L. Vila, B. Rodmacq, B. Dieny
spin transfer torque switching dynamics with two orthogonal spin-polarizers by
varying the cell aspect ratio Phys. Rev B
90, 224404 (2014) DOI:
49. M. Quinsat, F.
Garcia-Sanchez, A. S. Jenkins, A. Zeltser, J. A. Katine, A. N. Slavin,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Dieny, M.-C. Cyrille, U. Ebels
Modulation bandwidth
of spin torque oscillators under current modulation Appl. Phys. Lett.
152401 (2014)
48. S. Pizzini, J. Vogel,
S. Rohart,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, E. Jué, O. Boulle, I.M. Miron, C.K.
Safeer, S. Auffret, G. Gaudin, A. Thiaville
Chirality-induced asymmetric
magnetic nucleation in Pt/Co/AlOx ultrathin microstructures Phys. Rev.
113, 047203 (2014) DOI:
47. W. Stefanowicz, L.E.
Nistor, S. Pizzini, W. Kuch,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, G. Gaudin, S.
Auffret, B. Rodmacq, J. Vogel
Size dependence of magnetic switching in
perpendicularly magnetized MgO/Co/Pt pillars close to the spin reorientation
transition Appl. Phys. Lett.
104, 012404 (2014)
46. E. Kritsikis, A.
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, F. Alouges, J.-Ch. Toussaint,
first-order finite element schemes in micromagnetics J. Comp. Phys.
256, 357 (2014)
45. A. S. Jenkins, B.
Lacoste, G. Geranton, D. Gusakova, B. Dieny, U. Ebels,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu Current Driven Magnetization Dynamics of a self-polarised Synthetic Ferrimagnet J. Appl. Phys.
115, 083911 (2014)
44. B. Lacoste,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, U. Ebels, B. Dieny
Critical currents and mode selection
in an in-plane synthetic ferrimagnetic free-layer Phys. Rev. B
064408 (2014) DOI:
43. O. Boulle,
D. Buda-Prejbeanu, I.M. Miron, G. Gaudin
Current induced domain wall
dynamics in the presence of spin orbit torques J. Appl. Phys.
115 ,17D502 (2014)
42. K. Jabeur, G.Prenat, G.
Di Pendina,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, B.Dieny
Compact model of a magnetic
tunnel junction based on spin orbit torque IEEE Trans. Magn. 50, 4100208
(2014) DOI:
41. O. Boulle,
S. Rohart,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, E. Jué, I.M. Miron, S. Pizzini, J.
Vogel, G. Gaudin, A. Thiaville
Domain wall tilting in the presence of the
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in out-of-plane magnetized magnetic
nanotracks Phys. Rev. Lett.
111, 217203 (2013) DOI:
40. I. Firastrau,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Dieny, U. Ebels
Spin-torque nano-oscillator
based on a synthetic antiferromagnet free layer and perpendicular to plane
polarizer J. Appl. Phys.
113, 113908 (2013)
39. B. Lacoste,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, U. Ebels, B. Dieny
Out-of-plane precession of
an in-plane magnetized free layer submitted to the spin-transfer torque of a
perpendicular polarizer: An analytical perturbative approach Phys. Rev. B
88, 054425 (2013) DOI:
38. E. Monteblanco, D.
Gusakova, J. F. Sierra,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, U. Ebels
Redshift and blue shift regimes in
spin-transfert-torque Nano-oscillators based on synthetic antiferromagentic
layer IEEE Magn. Lett.
3500204 (2013) DOI:
37. M. Quinsat, V.
Tiberkevich, D. Gusakova, A. Slavin, J. F. Sierra, U. Ebels,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Dieny, M.-C. Cyrille A. Zeltser, J. A. Katine
of higher harmonics in a nonisochronous auto-oscillator: Application to
spin-torque nano-oscillators Phys. Rev. B
86, 104418 (2012) DOI:
36. O. Boulle,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, M. Miron, G. Gaudin
Current induced domain wall
dynamics in presence of a transverse magnetic field in out-of-plane magnetized
materials J. Appl. Phys
112 053901 (2012)
35. A. Bollero, V. Baltz,
D. Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Rodmacq, B. Dieny
and control of exchange bias-like phenomenon in coupled ferromagnetic
[Pt/Co]/NiFe bilayers Phys.
Rev. B
84, 094423 (2011) DOI:
34. D. Gusakova, M. Quinsat, J.
F. Sierra, U. Ebels, B. Dieny,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, M.-C. Cyrille, V. Tiberkevich, A. Slavin
Linewidth reduction in a
spin-torque nano-oscillator caused by non-conservative current-induced coupling
between magnetic layers Appl. Phys. Lett.
99, 052501 (2011)
33. A. Vaysset, C. Papusoi,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Bandiera, M. Marins de Castro, Y. Dahmane, J.-Ch. Toussaint, U. Ebels, B.Rodmacq, S. Auffret,
R. Sousa, L.Vila, B. Dieny
Improved coherence of ultrafast
spin-transfer-driven precessional switching with synthetic antiferromagnet
perpendicular polarizer Appl. Phys. Lett.
98, 242511 (2011)
32. N. Strelkov, A.
Vedyayev, N. Ryzhanova, D. Gusakova,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, M. Chshiev,
S. Amara, N. de Mestier, C. Braduc, B. Dieny
Spin-current vortices in
current-perpendicular-to plain nanoconstricted spin-valves, Phys. Rev. B
024416 (2011) DOI:
31. S. Park, N.M. Nguyen,
C. Burrowes, E.E. Fullerton, C. Chappert,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, F.
Garcia-Sanchez, D. Ravelosona,
Asymmetric domain wall depinning under
current in spin valves with perpendicular anisotropy Appl. Phys. Lett.
232512 (2011)
30. I.M. Miron, T. Moore,
H. Szambolics,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Auffret, B. Rodmacq, S. Pizzini,
J. Vogel, M. Bonfim, A. Schuhl, G. Gaudin
Fast current-induced domain wall
motion controlled by the Rashba effect Nat. Mater.
10, 419-423
(2011) DOI:
29. A.P. Mihai, F. Garcia-Sanchez, L.
Vila, A. Marty,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, J.C. Pillet, C. Beigné, D.
Ravelosona, C. Mannequin, J-Ch. Toussaint,
J.P. Attané
Stochastic domain-wall depinning under current in FePt spin
valves and single layers Phys. Rev. B
84, 014411 (2011) DOI:
28. M. Quinsat, J. F.
Sierra, I. Firastrau, V. Tiberkevich, A. Slavin, D. Gusakova,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu,
M. Zarudniev, J.-P. Michel, U. Ebels, B. Dieny, M.-C. Cyrille, J. A. Katine, D.
Mauri, A. Zeltser
Injection locking of tunnel junction
oscillators to a microwave current Appl. Phys. Lett.
98, 182503 (2011)
27. N. Strelkov, A.
Vedyayev, D. Gusakova,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, M. Chshiev S. Amara, A.
Vaysset, B. Dieny
Finite Element Modelling of Charge and Spin-currents in
Magnetoresistive Pillars with Current Crowding Effects, IEEE Magn. Lett.
1, 3000304 (2010) DOI:
26. M. Quinsat, D.
Gusakova, J. F. Sierra, J.-P. Michel, D. Houssameddine, B. Delaet, M.-C.
Cyrille, U. Ebels, B. Dieny,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, J.A. Katine, D.
Maury, A. Zeltser, M. Prigent, J.-C. Nallatamby, R. Sommet
Amplitude and
Phase Noise of MgO based Magnetic Tunnel Junction Oscillators Appl. Phys. Lett.
97, 182507 (2010)
25. D. Houssameddine, J. F.
Sierra, D. Gusakova, B. Delaet, U. Ebels,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, M.-C.
Cyrille, B. Dieny, B. Ocker, J. Langer, W. Maas
Spin Torque Driven
Excitations in a Synthetic Antiferromagnet Appl. Phys. Lett.
072511 (2010)
24. B. Dieny, R.C. Sousa,
J. Hérault, C. Papusoi, G. Prenat, U. Ebels, D. Houssameddine, B. Rodmacq, S.
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, M.C. Cyrille, B. Delaët, O. Redon, C.
Ducruet, J-P. Nozières, I.L. Prejbeanu
Spin-transfer effect and its use in
spintronic components Int. J. Nanotechnol.
7, 591 (2010)
23. F. Garcia-Sanchez, H. Szambolics,
A.P. Mihai, L. Vila, A. Marty, J.-P. Attané, J.-Ch. Toussaint,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu Effect of
crystalline defects on domain wall motion under field and current in nanowires
with perpendicular magnetization Phys. Rev. B
81, 134408 (2010) DOI:
22. A. Masseboeuf, O.
Fruchart, J.-Ch. Toussaint, E. Kritsikis,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, F.
Cheynis, P. Bayle-Guillemaud, A. Marty
Dimensionality cross-over in
magnetism: from domain walls (2D) to vortices (1D) Phys. Rev. Lett.
127204 (2010) DOI:
21. C. Burrowes, A. P.
Mihai, D. Ravelosona, J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert, L. Vila, A. Marty, Y. Samson, F.
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, I. Tudosa, E. E. Fullerton and
J.-P. Attané
Non-adiabatic spin-torques in narrow magnetic domain walls Nat. Phys.
6, 17 (2010) DOI:
20. H. Szambolics, J.-Ch.
Toussaint, A. Marty, M. Miron,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu Domain wall motion
in systems with out-of-plane magnetization induced by spin-polarized currents J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
1912 (2009) doi:
19. C. Papusoi, B. Delaet,
B. Rodmacq, D. Houssameddine, J.-P. Michel, U. Ebels, R.C. Sousa,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Dieny
100 ps precessional spin-transfer switching of
a planar magnetic random access memory cell with perpendicular spin polarizer Appl. Phys. Lett.
072506 (2009)
18. D. Gusakova, D. Houssameddine, U. Ebels, B. Dieny,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, M. C. Cyrille, B. Delaët
Spin-polarized current-induced excitations in a
coupled magnetic layer system Phys. Rev. B
79, 104406 (2009) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.104406
17. H. Szambolics,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, J.-Ch. Toussaint, O. Fruchart
A constrained finite
element formulation for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations Comp. Mater. Sci.
44, 253-258 (2008) doi:
16. E. Kritsikis, J.-Ch.
Toussaint, O. Fruchart, H. Szambolics,
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu Fast
computation of magnetostatic fields by nonuniform fast Fourier transforms Appl.
Phys. Lett.
93, 132508 (2008)
15. U. Ebels D.
Houssameddine, I. Firastrau, D. Gusakova, C. Thirion, B. Dieny,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu Macrospin description of the perpendicular
polarizer-planar free-layer spin-torque oscillator Phys. Rev. B
024436 (2008) DOI:
14. I. Firastrau, D.
Gusakova D. Houssameddine, U. Ebels, M.-C. Cyrille,B. Delaet, B. Dieny, O.
Redon, J.-Ch. Toussaint,
L. D. Buda-PrejbeanuModeling of the
perpendicular polarizer-planar free layer spin torque oscillator: Micromagnetic
simulations Phys. Rev. B
78, 024437 (2008) DOI:
13. D. Houssameddine, U.
Ebels, B. Delaët, B. Rodmacq, I. Firastrau, F. Ponthenier, J.-P. Michel,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, M.-C. Cyrille, O. Redon, B. Dieny
Spin-torque oscillator
using a perpendicular polarizer and a planar free layer Nat. Mater.
447 (2007) doi:
12. I. Firastrau, U. Ebels,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, J.-Ch. Toussaint, C. Thirion and B. Dieny
diagram for spin current-induced magnetization dynamics using a perpendicular
polarizer and a planar free layer J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
2029 (2007) doi:
11. A. Bollero,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, V. Baltz, B. Rodmacq, B. Dieny
Exchange bias in annealed [Pt/Co]/NiFe systems IEEE
Trans. Magn.
42, 2990 (2006) DOI:
10. M. Abes, M.V. Rastei,
J. Vénuat,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, A. Carvalho, G. Schmerber, J. Arabski,
E. Beaurepaire, J. R. Bucher, A. Dinia, V. Pierron-Bohnes
Effect of nanostructuration on the magnetic
properties of CoPt films Materials Science and Engineering B
207 (2006) doi:
9. M. Ghidini, G. Zangari,
I.L. Prejbeanu, G. Pattanaik,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, G. Asti, C.
Pemerchele, M. Solzi
Magnetization processes in hard Co-rich Co-Pt films
with perpendicular anisotropy J. Appl. Phys.
100, 103911 (2006)
8. A. Bollero,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, V. Baltz, J. Sort, B. Rodmacq, B. Dieny
Magnetic behaviour of systems composed of
coupled ferromagnetic bilayers with distinct anisotropy directions Phys. Rev. B
73, 144407 (2006) DOI:
7. J. Moritz,
L. D. Buda,
B. Dieny, J.-P. Nozières, R.J.M. Van de Verdonk, T.M. Crawford, D.Weller
and reading bits on pre-patterned media Appl. Phys. Lett.
84, 1519
(2004) doi:
6. C.L. Dennis, R.P.
L. D. Buda, U. Ebels, J.F. Gregg, M. Hehn, E. Jouguelet, K.
Ounadjela, I. Petej, I.L. Prejbeanu and M. J. Thornton
The defining length
scales of mesomagnetism: a review J. Phys: Condens. Matter
14, R1175
5. M. Natali, I.L.
Prejbeanu, A. Lebib,
L. D. Buda, K. Ounadjela, Y. Chen
Magnetic vortex
avalanches in arrays of interacting cobalt dots Phys. Rev. Lett.
157203 (2002). DOI:
4. U. Ebels,
L.D. Buda,
K. Ounadjela, P.E. Wigen
Ferromagnetic resonance excitation of
two-dimensional wall structures in magnetic stripes domains Phys. Rev. B
174437 (2001) DOI:
3. U. Ebels, J.–L. Duvail,
P.E. Wigen, L. Piraux,
L. D. Buda, K. Ounadjela
Ferromagnetic resonace
studies of Ni nanowires arrays Phys. Rev.
64, 144421 (2001) DOI:
2. S.P. Li, D. Peyrade, M. Natali, Y.
Chen, U. Ebels,
L. D. Buda, K. Ounadjela
Flux closure structures in
cobalt rings Phys. Rev. Lett.
86, 1102 (2001) DOI:
1. I.L. Prejbeanu,
Buda, U. Ebels, K. Ounadjela
Observation of asymmetric Bloch walls in
epitaxial Co films with strong in-plane uniaxial anisotropy Appl. Phys.
77, 3066 (2000) doi:
19. N. Perrissin, S. Lequeux, N. Strelkov, L.
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Auffret, R. Sousa, I. Prejbeanu, B. Dieny
transfer torque magnetic random-access memory: Towards sub-10 nm devices International Conference on IC Design & Technology (ICICDT) (2018)
18. B. Lacoste, M. Marins de Castro, R. C.
Sousa, I. L. Prejbeanu,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Auffret, U. Ebels, B.
Rodmacq, B. Dieny, T. Devolder, C. Ducruet
Control of sub-nanosecond
precessional magnetic switching in STT-MRAM cells for SRAM applications Proceedings 8
th International Memory Workshop (IMW) (2016)
17. H. Liu,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, B.
Narrow magnetic vortex dynamics in easy-plane anisotropy films induced
by spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit torque IEEE Conference
Publications, IEEE International Magnetics Conference (2015)
16. K. Jabeur, G.Prenat, G.Di Pendina,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, I.L.Prejbeanu, B.Dieny
Compact model of a three-terminal
MRAM device based on Spin Orbit Torque switching Proceedings of the 2013
Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG) 09 (2013)
15. M. Marins de Castro Souza, B. Lacoste, R.C.
Sousa, T. Devolder,
L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, A. Chavent, A. Mejdoubi, S.
Auffret, U. Ebels, C. Ducruet, I.L. Prejbeanu, L. Vila, B. Rodmacq, B. Dieny
precessional switching in a MRAM cell with a perpendicular polarizer Proceedings
of the 4
th IEEE International Memory Workshop 6213651(2012)
14. I. Firastrau, U. Ebels, D. Gusakova, M.C.
Cyrille, C.B. Cizmas,
L. D. Buda-PrejbeanuState diagram of a
perpendicular polarizer-SFA free layer spintorque oscillator Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures
6, 13 (2011)
13. H. Szambolics, J.-Ch. Toussaint,
L. D.
Buda-Prejbeanu, F. Alouges, E. Kritsikis, O. Fruchart
Innovative Weak
Formulation for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equations IEEE Trans. Magn.
3153 (2008) DOI:
12. I. Firastrau,
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu,
J.-Ch. Toussaint, J.-P. Nozières
3D micromagnetism - magnetostatic coupling technique for MR reading heads
modeling COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics
in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
27, 215 (2008) DOI:
11. H. Szambolics,
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu,
J.-Ch. Toussaint, O. Fruchart
Finite element formalism for micromagnetism COMPEL-The
International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
27, 266 (2008) DOI
10. G. Prenat, M. El
Baraji, G. Wei, R. Sousa,
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu, B. Dieny, V. Javerliac,
J.-P. Nozières, Z. Weisheng,
E. Belhaire,
CMOS/Magnetic Hybrid Architectures Proceedings of ICECS
190 (2007)
9. I. Firastrau,
L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu,
J.-Ch. Toussaint, J.P.
Smaller Guard-band for larger spatial density information in tape
magnetic recording Bulletin of Transilvania University of Brasov
13 (48) new series B1, 141 (2006)
8. I. Firastrau,
Buda-Prejbeanu, J.-Ch. Toussaint,
J.-P. Nozières
Boundary element method and micromagnetism coupling for
magneto-resistive heads modelling J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
272-276, 738 (2004) doi:
7. I.L. Prejbeanu, M.
L.D. Buda, A. Lebib, Y. Chen, K. Ounadjela
In -plane
reversal mechanisms in circular Co dots J. Appl. Phys.
91, 7343(2002) doi:
L.D. Buda, I.L. Prejbeanu, U. Ebels, K. Ounadjela
simulations of magnetization in circular cobalt dots Computational
Material Science
24, 181 (2002)
L.D. Buda, I.L. Prejbeanu, U. Ebels, K. Ounadjela
Investigation of 3D micromagnetic configurations in circular nanoelements J.
Magn. Magn. Mat.
242-245, 996 (2002).
4. I.L. Prejbeanu, M.
L.D. Buda, U. Ebels, K. Ounadjela
measurements as a tool to probe the micromagnetic configuration in epitaxial Co
wires J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
240, 27 (2002)
L.D. Buda, I.L. Prejbeanu, M. Demand, U. Ebels, K.
Vortex states stability in circular Co (0001) dots IEEE Trans. Magn.
37, 2061
(2001) DOI:
2. I.L. Prejbeanu,
L.D. Buda, M. Viret,
U. Ebels, K. Ounadjela, C. Fermon
Domains structures in epitaxial (10-10) Co
wires IEEE Trans. Magn.
37, 2108 (2001) DOI:
C. Tiusan, T. Dimopoulos,
Buda,V. Da Costa, K. Ounadjela
Magnetostatic interactions in
artificial ferrimagnet based magnetic tunnel junctions J. Appl. Phys.
6811 (2001) doi:
Phelma coordinator of the master program
Bachelor level:

Structured Programming and Algorithmic

Master level:

Electromagnetism for biomedical engineering

Physics of functional materials

Magnetic recording

Magnetic nanostructures

Electromagnetic waveguides

Invited lectures
- Lectures on Spintronics PLASMAG (Erasmus Intensive Programme) 20/07-2/08 (2014), Berlin (Germany)
- Nanomagnetism Summer school – Nanotechnology Grenoble INP June 2010, June 2011 (France)
- Micromagnétisme : outil de modélisation de la dynamique de l’aimantation. Application aux effets induits par transfert de spin
- Séminaire Daniel Dautreppe Saint-Hugues de Biviers 16 – 20 Novembre 2009 (France)
- Introduction to numerical micromagnetism. Application to mesoscopic magnetic systems
Europeean School of Magnetism, 1-10 Sept. 2003 (Braşov, Romania)
Deputy director of
ESONN school
Member of
inmram organizing committee
Member of
JEMS'18 program committee
Member of the "Research concil Physics-Engineering-Materials"