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Fundamental Research Division
The DRF at the CEA assemble approximately 6,000 scientists since January 2016.
By combining an atom and a molecule on a surface with the help of a microscope using the tunnel effect, it is possible to construct a nano-object whose electronic and mechanical properties can be modulated according to the relative positions of the atom and the molecule. The diversity of properties obtained demonstrates the promising potential of this “trapping chemistry”.
A molecule proves to reduce the sensitivity of cells to many particularly aggressive toxins and viruses. Scientists from the CEA’s Institut Frédéric-Joliot have deciphered this protection mechanism.
A radio frequency transmission method patented at the Institut Frédéric-Joliot now makes it possible to remove artifacts present on 3-Tesla images of large organs.
Les propriétés magnétiques et électriques des jonctions tunnel magnétiques ont pu être améliorées significativement en insérant des couches de métal réfractaire (tungstène) dans les empilements. Cette avancée ouvre de belles perspectives aux mémoires magnétiques MRAM composées de telles jonctions et qui rentrent en production de volume.
Scientists have performed a thorough analysis of promising silicon-based electrode technology with regard to Li-ion battery decay in the course of charge/discharge cycles. Oversaw by the CEA, this project was carried out through a balanced partnership between three academic and as many industry partners.
Using optical rather than electrical technology to write to MRAM magnetic storage media would unlock a thousandfold speed increase and slash power consumption by a factor of 100. Spice aims to tackle this challenge and promote the use of non-volatile memory near processor cores. A computing revolution in perspective...
According to an international collaboration involving the LSCE, seasonal variations in ocean acidity will be more pronounced at the end of the century than today and could even double. The seasonality of pH, until now considered favorable to the adaptation of marine organisms to global warming, could then prove to have a deleterious effect. This must now be taken into account in climate models.
The observation by a scientific collective of a thousand far away “elliptical” galaxies is shaking up our knowledge of galaxies. How can they be rich in gas without producing any stars?
Plant stomata open or close in response to their needs, in addition to water stress or pathogen attack. A team from the Biam and its partners have demonstrated the role of the protein AQP in stomatal closure movements.
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CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.