The Nanosafety Workshops 2017
From 11/16/2017 to 11/16/2017
Nanosafety Platform, CEA/Grenoble
Detailed description
The Nanosafety Platform is organizing the 16th of November 2017, the first one-day session of "The Nanosafety Workshops 2017".
Formely called "The Nanosafety Meetings" (organized in 2012 and 2013), this new event will be scheduled every two years, alternately with the International Conference Nanosafe.
This meeting will enable the various takeholders to meet and discuss about their activities and field of researches.
Based on a participative mode, a speed-meeting and some practical & technical workshops will be organized during this daytime. For each attendees, this meeting will also represent the opportunity to visit the Nanosafety Platform and to get more specific information about its wide range of activities.
A unique rate will be proposed to each attendees. More information about the detailed program and the registration process will be available very shortly but please, save the date already !
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