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Research areas

Climate and environment

Published on 28 June 2016

​The CEA’s research focuses on past and future climate changes from the viewpoint of a few decades to geological time scales, their relationships with the carbon cycle, their impact on the environment and their links with the living world (man, ecosystems). On a smaller time scale (0-20 years), the purpose of the research is to gain a detailed understanding of current climate changes associated with human activity (greenhouse gas emissions) and their local effects, in particular with regard to extreme phenomena. The CEA is also studying earthquakes and tsunamis.

CEA research on
climate and the environment



The purpose of the CEA’s research on climate is to improve our fundamental knowledge of how the climate worked in the past, how it works now and how it will work in the future; to study the interactions and changes of the various mechanisms involved and to develop numerical models to predict future climate changes and their consequences.

Impact on the climate

Impact of human activity
on the climate

The CEA is trying to gain a better understanding of the impact of human activity on the future climate by studying climate mechanisms. This work is being carried out in collaboration with other French and international organisations (CNRS, universities, etc.).

Detection of seismic events

of seismic events

The CEA is a specialist in the detection of all natural seismic events and those caused by human activity. It can locate them quickly, calculate their magnitude and alert the public authorities. Its activities are not limited to detection, but also include studies of seismic hazards for given geographical areas. The CEA is also involved in tsunami alerts.

Thematic website

of climate and
environmental sciences

The CEA’s research on the climate is carried out at the Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences (LSCE) operated jointly by CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, based at the Paris-Saclay campus.

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