The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) was opened for signature in 1996 and bans all types of nuclear test, regardless of the energy released.
France, which was the first nuclear weapons state to sign the CTBT in 1996, ratified it in 1998.
The CTBT is not yet in force, because not all the States listed in its annex 2, comprising the States with significant nuclear capacity, have yet ratified the Treaty. 8 States in annex 2 have not yet ratified the CTBT: India, North Korea, Pakistan, United States, Israel, Iran, China and Egypt
The CTBT Organisation Preparatory Commission is already working to set up the system to verify compliance with the Treaty. The verification system using 321 stations is based on a detection network comprising four types of stations: seismic, hydro-acoustic, infrasounds and using radionuclides. It is supplemented by an international data centre and a system of in-situ inspections.
To promote the entry into force of the Treaty, an “Article XIV” conference is held every two years.