E. Dumonteil, R. Bahran, T. Cutler, B. Dechenaux, T. Grove, J. Hutchinson, G. McKenzie, A. McSpaden,, W. Monange, M. Nelson, N. Thompson, A. Zoia, Patchy nuclear chain reactions, Communications Physics 4:151 (2021).
O. Pakari, D. Mancusi, O. Petit, A. Zoia, V. Lamirand, A. Pautz, Towards the Validation of Noise Experiments in the CROCUS Reactor Using the TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo Code in Analog Mode, in Proceedings of Physor2020, Cambbridge, UK (2020). - A. Zoia, E. Dumonteil, Neutron clustering : spatial fluctuations in multiplying systems close to the critical point, M&C2017 conference, Jeju, Korea, 16-20/4/2017.
- B. Gwinner, J.-M. Borgard, E. Dumonteil, A. Zoia, A stereological approach for measuring the groove angles of intergranular corrosion, Corrosion Science 115, 1-7 (2017).
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- E. Dumonteil, S. Majumdar, A. Rosso, A. Zoia, Spatial extent of the outbreak in animal epidemics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (11), 4239-4244 (2013).
- A. Zoia, E. Dumonteil, A. Mazzolo, Properties of branching exponential flights in bounded domains, EuroPhys. Lett. 100, 40002 (2012).
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- A. Zoia, E. Dumonteil, A. Mazzolo, Discrete Feynman-Kac formulas for branching random walks, EuroPhys. Lett. 98, 40012 (2012).
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- A. Zoia, E. Dumonteil, A. Mazzolo, Collision densities and mean residence times for d-dimensional exponential flights, Phys. Rev. E 83, 041137 (2011).