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Membres de l'équipe - Sophie GABRIEL

Publié le 9 septembre 2022


Chargée d’études technico-économiques 

Référente de la thématique Ressources Fissiles

Expert Senior CEA : Organisation et ingénierie / Technico-économie, Uranium, Coût de production électricité nucléaire

2019-2022 : Utilisation du logiciel ANTARES de RTE et Encadrement de la thèse d'Arthur LYNCH « La compétitivité économique du parc nucléaire français dans la transition énergétique »


Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., and Gabriel, S. (2013). Economic relevance of starting an SFR with enriched uranium. In Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), (Paris, France), p.

Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., and Eleouet, T. (2015). Deployable nuclear fleet based on available quantities of uranium and reactor types – the case of fast reactors started up with enriched uranium. In Nuclear Fuel Cycle For a Low-Carbon Future (Global 2015), (Paris, France), p.

Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., and Eleouet, T. (2016a). Deployable nuclear fleet based on available quantities of uranium and reactor types – the case of fast reactors started up with enriched uranium. EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 2, 12. .

Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., and Gabriel, S. (2016b). Place of the nuclear power in the electricity production in the XXIst century: what is desirable, what is feasible? (Paris, France).

Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., Devezeaux de Lavergne, J.-G., and Pincé, Y. (2017). When would fast reactors become competitive with light water reactors? Methodology and key parameters. Progress in Nuclear Energy 100, 103–113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2017.05.028.

Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., and Gabriel, S. (2018). How can we anticipate the evolution of the uranium cost to define when Fast Reactors will become competitive against Light Water Reactors? (Paris, France).

Bidaud, A., Mima, S., Gabriel, S., Monnet, A., Mathonnière, G., Criqui, P., Menenteau, P., Cuney, M., and Bruneton, P. (2014). Ressources d'Uranium, Scénarios, Dynamique du Nucléaire et de l'Energie - RUSDYN.

Bidaud, A., Mima, S., Gabriel, S., Monnet, A., Mathonnière, G., Criqui, P., Cuney, M., and Bruneton, P. (2015). Uranium Resources, Scenarios, Nuclear and Energy Dynamics. In Nuclear Fuel Cycle For a Low-Carbon Future (Global 2015), (Paris, France), p.

Blanchard, P., and Gabriel, S. (2010). Extraction d'uranium de l'eau de mer. La lettre de l'I-tésé 8–9. .

CEA, EDF, Orano, Framatome, Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., and Baschwitz, A. (2019). Grand Prix SFEN - Scénarios industriels du nucléaire français à long terme - travaux 2013 - 2018.

Chabert, C., Tiphine, M., Krivtchik, G., Allou, A., Saturnin, A., Girotto, J.-L., Sarrat, P., Hancok, H., Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., et al. (2015). Considerations on industrial feasability of scenarios with the progressive deployment of Pu multirecycling in SFRs in the French nuclear power fleet. In Nuclear Fuel Cycle For a Low-Carbon Future (Global 2015), (Paris, France), p.

Chabert, C., Saturnin, A., Krivtchik, G., Martin, G., Tiphine, M., Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., Allou, A., Fillastre, E., Giffard, F., et al. (2017). Feasibility of future prospects and transition scenarios for the French fuel cycle. In Proceedings of the Global 2017 Congress, (Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea), p.

Chabert, C., Touron, E., Saturnin, A., Krivtchik, G., Martin, G., Miranda, P., Courtin, F., Girotto, J.L., Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., et al. (2020). Prospective inventory of radioactive materials and waste produced by the French nuclear fleet according to various options. In GLOBAL 2019 - International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference and TOP FUEL 2019 - Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference, pp. 212–220.

Floch, P.-H., Gabriel, S., Mansilla, C., and Werkoff, F. (2007). On the production of hydrogen via alkaline electrolysis during off-peak periods. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32, 4641–4647. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2007.07.033.

Gabriel, S. (2008). Parution du livre rouge  sur les Ressources en uranium de l'OCDE/AEN. La lettre de l'I-tésé 26–27. .

Gabriel, S. (2009a). Quelques pistes de réflexions pour l'évolution de la troisième génération électronucléaire. La lettre de l'I-tésé 3–4. .

Gabriel, S. (2009b). Commentaires sur les évolutions des prix U et UTS. La lettre de l'I-tésé 28–29. .

Gabriel, S. (2009c). Gestion du combustible et taux de combustion. La lettre de l'I-tésé 17–19. .

Gabriel, S. (2012). Sécurité d'approvisionnement, indépendance énergétique et nucléaire. RGN.

Gabriel, S. (2013a). Les déterminants des marchés futurs des SMR (Small and Modular Reactor). La lettre de l'I-tésé 22. .

Gabriel, S. (2013b). Ressources en uranium, eau de mer et roches phosphatées. Geologues 82–86. .

Gabriel, S. (2013c). Les déterminants des marchés futurs des SMR (Small and Modular Reactor).

Gabriel, S. (2013d). La transition pour faire face à la contrainte des ressources : le cas de l'uranium (Saclay, France).

Gabriel, S. (2014a). Réunion du Groupe Uranium de l'AENAIEA en Namibie. La lettre de l'I-tésé 22. .

Gabriel, S. (2014b). Visite d'Itésé à l'Office Chérifien des Phosphates (Maroc). La lettre de l'I-tésé 23. .

Gabriel, S. (2016a). Soutenance de la thèse d'Antoine Monnet. La lettre de l'I-tésé 29. .

Gabriel, S. (2016b). Uranium : Extraction minière et développement durable. La lettre de l'I-tésé 36–38. .

Gabriel, S. (2017). Disponibilité à long terme des ressources mondiales d'uranium.

Gabriel, S.A. (2019). Real Options and Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Energy R&D Projects.

Gabriel, S., and Fizaine, F. (2011). L'uranium des phosphates : une ressource plus limitée que prévue usuellement. La lettre de l'I-tésé 14–15. .

Gabriel, S., and Monnet, A. (2015). Les marchés de l'uranium vus par l'AIEA. La lettre de l'I-tésé 27. .

Gabriel, S., and Sanière, A. (2010). Quelles ressources en combustibles nucléaires ? Panorama 2010.

Gabriel, S., and Thais, F. (2008). Évolution des cours des marchés (uranium, UTS, électricité, gaz, charbon, pétrole). La lettre de l'I-tésé 30–32. .

Gabriel, S., Baschwitz, A., and Mathonnière, G. (2013a). Nuclear power fleets and uranium resources recovered from phosphates. In International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference (Global 2013), (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA), p.

Gabriel, S., Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., Eleouet, T., and Fizaine, F. (2013b). A critical assessment of global uranium resources, including uranium in phosphate rocks, and the possible impact of uranium shortages on nuclear power fleets. Annals of Nuclear Energy 58, 213–220. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2013.03.010.

Gabriel, S., Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., Fizaine, F., and Eleouet, T. (2013c). Building future nuclear power fleets: The available uranium resources constraint. Resources Policy 38, 458–469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2013.06.008.

Gabriel, S., Baschwitz, A., Mathonnière, G., and Eleouet, T. (2013d). Downscaled estimate of uranium resources produced from phosphates and impact on the penetration of SFRs (Paris, France).

Gabriel, S., Baschwitz, A., and Mathonnière, G. (2014). Uranium in phosphate rocks and future nuclear power fleets. In International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Exploration, Mining, Production, Supply and Demand, Economics and Environmental Issues (URAM-2014), (Vienna, Austria), p.

Gabriel, S., Monnet, A., and Percebois, J. (2017). Uranium Resources and Security of Supply. International Association for Energy Economics : IAEE Energy Forum Fourth quarter 2017. .

Gabriel, S., Monnet, A., and Percebois, J. (2019). Disponibilité à long terme des ressources mondiales d'Uranium. Geologues 23–27. .

Guidez, J., and Gabriel, S. (2015). Extraction of uranium from seawater: a few facts. In Nuclear Fuel Cycle For a Low-Carbon Future (Global 2015), (Paris, France), p.

Guidez, J., and Gabriel, S. (2016). Extraction of uranium from seawater: a few facts. EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 2, 10. .

Guidez, J., and Gabriel, S. (2020). SMR : Contexte économique et stratégie de déploiement (Paris, France).

Lynch, A., and Gabriel, S. (2021). Nuclear generation and flexibility modeling in renewables-driven electric systems.

Lynch, A., Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., and Perez, Y. (2021a). Nuclear generation and flexibility in renewables-driven electric systems.

Lynch, A., Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., and Perez, Y. (2021b). Nuclear generation and flexibility in renewables-driven electric systems (Virtual Poster Session).

Lynch, A., Perez, Y., Gabriel, S., and Mathonnière, G. (2022). Nuclear fleet flexibility: Modeling and impacts on power systems with renewable energy. Applied Energy 314, 118903. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118903.

Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., and Baschwitz, A. (2017a). Fast breeder competitiveness. p.

Mathonnière, G., Gabriel, S., and Baschwitz, A. (2017b). How to take into account the fleet composition in order to evaluate Fast Breeder Competitiveness. In FR17 IAEA, (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation), p.

Monnet, A., and Gabriel, S. (2014a). Uranium from coal ash: resource assessment and outlook on production capacities. In International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Exploration, Mining, Production, Supply and Demand, Economics and Environmental Issues (URAM-2014), (Vienna, Austria), p.

Monnet, A., and Gabriel, S. (2014b). L'uranium des cendres de charbon : estimation des ressources et perspectives de production (Orsay, France).

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., Baschwitz, A., and Mathonnière, G. (2014a). Extending conventional resources with unconventional uranium to feed the future nuclear fleet. (Vienna, Austria), p.

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., Baschwitz, A., and Mathonnière, G. (2014b). Unconventional uranium & feeding the future nuclear fleet (Vienne, Austria).

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., and Percebois, J. (2015a). Statistical model of global uranium resources and long-term availability. In Nuclear Fuel Cycle For a Low-Carbon Future (Global 2015), (Paris, France), p.

Monnet, A., Percebois, J., and Gabriel, S. (2015b). Assessing the potential production of uranium from coal-ash milling in the long term. Resources Policy 45, 173–182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2015.04.005.

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., and Percebois, J. (2015c). A regional and statistical approach in quantitative assessment of global uranium resources (Vienne, Austria).

Monnet, A., Percebois, J., and Gabriel, S. (2015d). Long-term availability of uranium resources: a bivariate statistical approach (Paris, France).

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., and Percebois, J. (2016a). Statistical model of global uranium resources and long-term availability. EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 2, 17. .

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., and Percebois, J. (2016b). Disponibilité à long terme des ressources mondiales d'uranium (Orsay, France).

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., and Percebois, J. (2017a). Ressources mondiales d'uranium : quelle disponibilité à long terme ? La Revue de l'Énergie 37–56. .

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., and Percebois, J. (2017b). Analysis of the long-term availability of uranium: The influence of dynamic constraints and market competition. Energy Policy 105, 98–107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.010.

Monnet, A., Gabriel, S., and Percebois, J. (2017c). Long-term availability of global uranium resources. Resources Policy 53, 394–407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2017.07.008.

Pavel, G.L., Budu, A.R., and Moraru, D.E. (2017). Optimization of Energy Mix - Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy for Low Emissions Energy Source a Benefit for Generations to Come. Energy Procedia 112, 412–417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1092.

Plassat, G. (2014). Prospective Automobile & Mobilité. La lettre de l'I-tésé 20–22. .

Tulsidas, H., Gabriel, S., Kiegiel, K., and Haneklaus, N. (2019). Uranium resources in EU phosphate rock imports. Resources Policy 61, 151–156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2019.02.012.