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Séminaire invité Département Nanophysique (DEPHY)

Titre 2 : Non-destructive imaging on buried interfaces in spintronic devices and beyond

Jeudi 08 septembre 2022 à 11:15, Salle de séminaire 445, bâtiment 1005, CEA-Grenoble (accès réservé aux personnes ayant un badge CEA)

Publié le 8 septembre 2022
Atsufumi Hirohata
C2N, Department of Physics, York University, UK
Non-destructive imaging on buried interfaces in spintronic devices and beyond by Atsufumi Hirohata A new method of non-destructive sub-surface interfacial characterisation has been developed recently. Such a method can be useful for quality assurance of a buried interface in nanoelectronic devices, such as magnetic random access memory. Our method is found to be able to resolve any defects and contaminations formed within the cell size of these devices, which has been fed back to the fabrication process to improve their yields. We have currently applying this method to in-situ imaging under the applications of currents and voltages to the devices, which mimic their operation conditions.

Plus d'information : https://www.spintec.fr/seminar-two-seminars-given-at-spintec-by-york-university-visitors/

Pour suivre le seminaire en visioconférence : https://webconf.cea.fr/ioan-lucian.prejbeanu/C89D5FFJ