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L'Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire de Grenoble (Irig) est un institut thématique de la Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale du CEA.
Notre Institut est composé de 5 départements
Les 10 Unités Mixtes de Recherches de l'Irig
Publications, Thèses soutenues, Prix et distinctions
Séminaire invité PCV
Mardi 26 novembre 2019 à 11:00, Salle de séminaire 445, bâtiment 1005, CEA-Grenoble
In this seminar, I will tell the story of my greatest scientific experience: Tara Oceans. September 2009, Lorient, France, the schooner Tara cast off to surf the planet and systematically sample the world Ocean biome with a transformative protocol, mixing physics, chemistry, biology, bricolage and high-technologies, academic and private institutions, and ... a lot of courage and friendship! After 2 circum-global navigations (2009–2013), Tara Oceans has generated unique foundational resources for ocean science, across coarse but inclusive spatio-temporal and taxonomic scales. These include the largest DNA and RNA sequencing effort ever performed for a single biome, millions of plankton images, all these data embedded into a rich context of physico-chemical parameters. I will illustrate some key scientific results emerging from this planetomics data, and discuss how we are trying to integrate the different layers of biological information to assess the structure, functions, and dynamics of the great plankton interactome, toward integration of biological complexity into modelling of the Ocean and Earth systems. Contact : Johan Decelle
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