Osamu Ishitani
Tokyo Institute of Technology Meguro-ku 2-12-1-NE-1, Tokyo, Japan
Both the problems of the global warming and shortage of the fossil resources have brought us great interests in photochemical utilization of CO2 with solar energy. Efficient photocatalysts for CO2 reduction must be necessary for development of such an important technology.
We have developed novel types of photocatalysts using metal complexes as key players in not only homogeneous solutions1-4 but also in heterogeneous systems including semiconductor photocatalysts5,6. In this presentation, I will mainly discuss about two recent topics; (1) photocatalytic CO2 reduction using water as a reductant (Scheme)7,8 and (2) CO2 reduction photocatalytic systems with light harvesting functiuon.9
Scheme. Photoelectrochemical system for CO2 reduction using water as a reductant
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