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L'Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire de Grenoble (Irig) est un institut thématique de la Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale du CEA.
Notre Institut est composé de 5 départements
Les 10 Unités Mixtes de Recherches de l'Irig
Publications, Thèses soutenues, Prix et distinctions
Soutenance de thèse
Lundi 25 novembre 2019 à 14:00, Salle de séminaire IBS, EPN Campus - 71 avenue des Martyrs, Grenoble
Fluorescence microscopy uses labels such as fluorescent proteins to highlight biological components and see how they are organised. The field has been recently revolutionised by the introduction of “super-resolution” techniques, which improved image resolution beyond the historical barrier of visible light diffraction. PALM (PhotoActivated Localisation Microscopy) is one of them, and works by slowly activating the fluorescent protein labels. This allows to detect single molecules, precisely localise them, and reconstruct a high resolution image. However, once activated, fluorescent proteins blink: they repeatedly loose and recover their fluorescence, which limits the quality of PALM images. Therefore, this thesis aimed at characterising these fluorescent proteins using single-molecule and ensemble fluorescence imaging, to understand how blinking works, and to limit its impact on PALM experiments.
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Acteur majeur de la recherche, du développement et de l'innovation, le CEA intervient dans quatre grands domaines : énergies bas carbone, défense et sécurité, technologies pour l’information et technologies pour la santé.