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The development of novel therapeutics and diagnostics for ovarian cancer

​​Mardi 05 mars 2024 à 14:30, Amphitéâtre Daniel Dautreppe, bat. B, CEA Grenoble (accès nécessitant une autorisation)

Publié le 5 mars 2024
Steve Conlan
Professeur en biologie moléculaire et cellulaire, Université de Médecine de Swansea, Royaume-Uni​ ​​

Ovarian cancer has a specific unmet clinical need, with a persistently poor 5-year survival rate observed in women with advanced stage disease warranting continued efforts to develop new treatment options. Here I will discuss our recent approaches to identifying, developing and evaluating a number of potential therapeutic approaches including Antibody Drug Conjugates, BET inhibitors, selenium nanoparticles and other molecules identified through in silico approaches. I will also discuss our recent advances in cancer immune profiling, and diagnostics, facilitated by emerging genomic technologies

Si vous avez besoin d'une autorisation d'entrée, merci de​ contacter  Nadia Alfaidy-Benharouga ​ avant le 26 février​