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Fundamental Research Division
The DRF at the CEA assemble approximately 6,000 scientists since January 2016.
An international collaboration involving researchers from the CEA-BIAM and the Carnegie Institution at Stanford University (USA) has just deciphered the mechanisms that microalgae use to capture atmospheric CO2 in a highly efficient manner.
For the first time ever, an international collaboration involving the LSCE (CEA-CNRS-UVSQ) is providing a global view of large CO2 plumes attributable to fossil fuels through satellite observations.
The CEA is a partner for the European event organised by the media Politico AI and Tech summit, which will take place in Brussels and online on 21 April 2022.
On April 5, the European Patent Office (EPO) published its annual report, the Patent Index 2021, an innovation barometer listing worldwide patent applications on the European market. The CEA is the only French research organization in the top 50, ranking 35th with 528 patent applications filed with the EPO in 2021. In the field of semiconductors, the CEA is the only European player in the top 5.
Using seawater samples collected during Tara Ocean expeditions and sequenced by the CEA-Jacob (Genoscope), an international team has identified 5,500 new species of RNA viruses, most of which belong to previously unknown phylogenetic branches.
The CEA recently published its intellectual property charter developed for its industry partners. Objectives: present the key points of its strategy implemented to protect and exploit R&D results to enhance the competitiveness, technological sovereignty and technology transfers of its partners.
A research team led by the CEA-Joliot has provided evidence that deep brain stimulation can restore consciousness when it is impaired. This result obtained in animals could lead to clinical trials in unconscious patients.
Using metagenomic analysis, researchers from the CEA-Jacob/Genoscope and the LSCE (CEA-CNRS-UVSQ) have unveiled a “biogeography” of ocean plankton communities. Based on this work, they predict the evolution of their geographical distribution by 2100, with a reduction in the flux of organic carbon from surface waters to the depths.
Improving the quality of life for people with psychiatric problems thanks to more targeted treatment protocols, or even preventing the appearance of such pathologies, would be a major breakthrough for public health care. This is one of the objectives of researchers at NeuroSpin, the CEA centre for innovation in neuroimaging in Saclay, near Paris.
Researchers from the CEA-Iramis (LLB) and CEA-Irfu have validated the design of the proton-neutron conversion target to be used for the upcoming compact high-intensity neutron source (the French Sonate project).
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CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.