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Fundamental Research Division
The DRF at the CEA assemble approximately 6,000 scientists since January 2016.
Researchers from I2BC and SPI (DMTS, Marcoule), in collaboration with CEA Grenoble and the Belgian nuclear research center, discovered, by using two meta-omic approaches, living bacteria in the core pool of the CEA Paris-Saclay research reactor, Osiris, in operation, thus opening up perspectives for the discovery of new radioresistant species.
Researchers from the CEA-Irig and their partners in France and China are proposing a new family of asymmetric, two-dimensional materials that could produce magnetic skyrmions. These “nano-whirlpools” of magnetization hold promise for next-generation magnetic memories.
Researchers at Iramis and their partners have succeeded in following the fate of single electrons injected into one-dimensional electronic channels of the quantum Hall regime. These electrons “dissolve” in collective excitations distributed across all parallel channels, and can reappear as a result of constructive interference between these excitations. This is a step forward in the understanding of electron quantum optics.
A team from the CEA-Iramis has developed a new negative electrode material for Mg-ion batteries, based on the compound In-Pb. The synergistic action of indium and lead favors a high electrical capacity, to the detriment of the material’s reversibility, which needs to be further investigated.
There is a specific signature of COVID infections in expired air in intubated and ventilated patients, referred to as "severe COVID patients". Explanations from CEA-Joliot and CEA-List.
According to an international study involving researchers from the LSCE (CEA-CNRS-UVSQ), a significant change in ocean currents in the North Pacific would have favored the first human migration from Asia to North America, at the end of the last ice age.
EBRAINS (European Brain ReseArch INfrastructureS) is a european research infrastructure designed by the scientific community which, based on a set of state-of-the-art digital platforms, aims to answer the analysis and processing needs of large brain data sets. CEA carries for France EBRAINS inscription on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures roadmap, which was submitted in early September 2020.
New work by the CEA-Joliot on the venom of the green mamba confirms the therapeutic potential of the toxin and paves the way for its use as a diagnostic tool.
The construction of the photosynthetic apparatus in the cells of leaves of flowering plants involves subtle mechanisms. The CEA-Irig is providing some explanations.
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CEA is a French government-funded technological research organisation in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. A prominent player in the European Research Area, it is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world.