Antoine MOINET
Modélisation agent
In 2018 I defended my PhD dissertation, “Dynamical Processes on Non-Markovian Temporal Networks," in which I investigated the influence of network architecture on the dynamics of various processes such as random walks, the spread of epidemics, percolation, and consensus formation. During my postdoctoral research in mathematical biology, I studied the genomic signature of a demographic bottleneck. As my interest in climate and energy-related issues grew, I then investigated the carbon cycle in the pedosphere, examining the potential of soils to act as a carbon sink and to mitigate climate change.
At the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), I am now conducting research on social dynamics and consumption behaviors within the agent-based modeling framework. Our aim is to design more realistic socio-economic transition scenarios, accounting for social phenomena outside the ideal homo oeconomicus framework (such as social identity, peer pressure, and cognitive biases) and to inform public policy for a successful transition towards a more sustainable, energy- and resource-sufficient, and equitable society.