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18th IAEE European Conference

Du 24/07/2023 au 27/07/2023

​​18th IAEE European Conference​

The main purpose of this conference will be to discuss the big changes and transformations in this transition period: the growing demand for renewables, disruption, innovation, the transition to a low carbon economy and the demand for electricity and gas.
There is a growing convergence between all energy sectors including power, transportation, infrastructure, oil and gas, renewable energy and smart cities initiatives.

Energy efficiency and renewable energy development are at the core of Europe’s commitment to a clean energy transition that serves the needs of citizens, economic development and the environment. Achieving a smart, socially fair and sustainable energy system requires strong policies, competitive businesses and technology innovation. Mastering the digital transformation of energy and buildings will be crucial for creating a thriving economy and for the success of the global clean energy transition.

As increased sector convergence and global attention to transitioning to a lower carbon economy intensifies, the purpose of this conference would be to reflect this global outlook and expand the focus of the dialogue to a broader, more comprehensive perspective of the issues energy sectors need to address in an era of deep transformation.

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