INRA, CNRS, Université de
Bordeaux, CEA, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Université Blaise
Pascale, INSAT, Inserm, Université Paul Sabatier
MetaboHUB groups 4 sites dedicated to metabolomics in Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Gif-sur-Yvette and Toulouse.
Dominique Rolin, director of the Functional Genomic Center of Bordeaux (INRA)
MetaboHUB at the CEA
The DSV team participating in this infrastructure is the Drug Metabolism Research Laboratory, LEMM (CEA-IBITECS). Its research activity within MetaboHUB involves both methodological developments in high-resolution mass spectrometry and applications in human health and the environment. For example, researchers at the LEMM endeavor to characterize biomarkers in the fields of neurology, oncology, genetic diseases of red blood cells and microbiology.