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Infectious diseases

IDMIT : Infectious Diseases Models for Innovative Therapies

Published on 30 January 2015
The IDMIT National Infrastructure in Biology and Health is dedicated to research on human infectious diseases (AIDS, hepatitis B, seasonal and pandemic influenza, SARS, chikungunya, malaria, chlamydia, tuberculosis, etc.) and to the carrying out of feasibility studies for new vaccines as well as antimicrobial treatments for these diseases.

Its missions

  • Facilitate the discovery of markers for safe and effective vaccines and treatments 
  • Accelerate the transfer of innovation from research to the clinic

Service offers

IDMIT provides equipment and highly competitive expertise to the national and international scientific communities for:

  • Characterizing host-pathogen interactions
  • Developing methods of delivering active ingredients
  • Characterizing the immune response after vaccination
  • Determining the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of new drugs
  • Monitoring the safety of vaccines and treatments

Fluorescence microscopy image of a section of epidermis in which dendritic cells, the key cells of the immune response, are observed (in red). Cell nuclei are shown in blue. © CEA 

The IDMIT center features :

  • Laboratories and animal facilities with biological safety levels 2 and 3
  • Equipment and expertise to perform multi-parametric cellular assays, thanks to the cytometry platform FlowCyTech
  • A preclinical imaging platform for developing in vivo multimodal imaging (optical imaging, MRI, positron emission tomography, etc.) in animal models 
  • A biological resource center providing access to biological samples of non-human primates, conservation of pathogenic strains for experimental infections, a cryotheque and conservation of reagents dedicated to non-human primates
IDMIT_cytometrieflux.jpg  The IDMIT laboratories have equipment at their disposal (here, a flow cytometry apparatus at the FlowCyTech platform) in biological safety level 3 zones.
© P.Stroppa/CEA


CEA, Institut Pasteur, Inserm, ANRS, Université Paris Sud, and Bertin Pharma




All IDMIT laboratories and equipment are gathered into a single building at the CEA center in Fontenay-aux-Roses.


Roger Le Grand, Director of the viral and autoimmune diseases immunology unit (CEA/INSERM/Paris Sud).


The immuno-virology unit (CEA-IMETI) offers its equipment and knowledge in the field of preclinical research on infectious diseases. Expertise in preclinical imaging is provided by the preclinical research center MIRCen, headed by Philippe Hantraye.

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