Of the twelve projects selected from among 210 considered, a single project "FET Proactive 2016" will be coordinated by a French team—a team from IRAMIS!
MAGENTA (Magnetic nanoparticle-based liquid energy materials for thermoelectric device applications) follows on from the recent discovery of a form of thermoelectricity in colloidal solutions containing magnetic nanoparticles (ferrofluids). Using experimental and theoretical approaches, researchers will deepen their understanding of magneto-thermoelectric phenomena in ferrofluids. They will then use numerical simulations to optimize the conversion of waste heat into electricity.
The expected results concern materials as much as they do complete systems. A demonstration-type example will be used to raise awareness about the energy transition among the public. MAGENTA brings together six research teams, three small businesses, and an industrial player. The project's ambition is to develop a complete ecosystem around magneto-thermoelectric technology in order to successfully accomplish the energy transition in Europe.
About FET Proactive 2016
French researchers and industry players figure prominently in the projects selected: 17 participants across 8 projects. France is the second largest beneficiary after Germany, with more that 8.8 million euros allocated to French teams, or 14.2% of the total budget.
This year, FET Proactive 2016 supports projects in the following four fields:
• Biotech for better life (5 projects selected)
• Disruptive information technologies (4)
• New technologies for energy and functional materials (2)
• Future technologies for societal change (1)