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Oxytocin Receptor Genotype Modulates Ventral Striatal Activity to Social Cues and Response to Stressful Life Events

Published on 19 March 2015
Oxytocin Receptor Genotype Modulates Ventral Striatal Activity to Social Cues and Response to Stressful Life Events
Loth E, Poline JB, Thyreau B, Jia T, Tao CY, Lourdusamy A, Stacey D, Cattrell A, Desrivieres S, Ruggeri B, Fritsch V, Banaschewski T, Barker GJ, Bokde ALW, Buchel C, Carvalho FM, Conrod PJ, Fauth-Buehler M, Flor H, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Heinz A, Bruehl R, Lawrence C, Mann K, Martinot JL, Nees F, Paus T, Pausova Z, Poustka L, Rietschel M, Smolka M, Struve M, Feng JF, Schumann G

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