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Association of Protein Phosphatase PPM1G With Alcohol Use Disorder and Brain Activity During Behavioral Control in a Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis

Published on 22 September 2015
Association of Protein Phosphatase PPM1G With Alcohol Use Disorder and Brain Activity During Behavioral Control in a Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis
Ruggeri B, Nymberg C, Vuoksimaa E, Lourdusamy A, Wong CP, Carvalho FM, Jia T, Cattrell A, Macare C, Banaschewski T, Barker GJ, Bokde ALW, Bromberg U, Buchel C, Conrad PJ, Fauth-Buhler M, Flor H, Frouin V, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Gowland P, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Martinot JL, Nees F, Pausova Z, Paus T, Rietschel M, Robbins T, Smolka MN, Spanagel R, Bakalkin G, Mill J, Sommer WH, Rose RJ, Yan J, Aliey F, Dick D, Kaprio J, Desrivieres S, Schumann G

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