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Genome-wide survey implicates the influence of copy number variants (CNVs) in the development of early-onset bipolar disorder

Published on 19 March 2015
Genome-wide survey implicates the influence of copy number variants (CNVs) in the development of early-onset bipolar disorder
Priebe L, Degenhardt F A, Herms S, Haenisch B, Mattheisen M, Nieratschker V, Weingarten M, Witt S, Breuer R, Paul T, Alblas M, Moebus S, Lathrop M, Leboyer M, Schreiber S, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Maier W, Propping P, Rietschel M, Nothen M M, Cichon S, Muhleisen T W

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