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Sequencing of the smallest Apicomplexan genome from the human pathogen Babesia microti(dagger)

Published on 19 March 2015
Sequencing of the smallest Apicomplexan genome from the human pathogen Babesia microti(dagger)
Cornillot E, Hadj-Kaddour K, Dassouli A, Noel B, Ranwez V, Vacherie B, Augagneur Y, Bres V, Duclos A, Randazzo S, Carcy B, Debierre-Grockiego F, Delbecq S, Moubri-Menage K, Shams-Eldin H, Usmani-Brown S, Bringaud F, Wincker P, Vivares CP, Schwarz RT, Schetters TP, Krause PJ, Gorenflot A, Berry V, Barbe V, Ben Mamoun C

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