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Homocysteine and Coronary Heart Disease: Meta-analysis of MTHFR Case-Control Studies, Avoiding Publication Bias

Published on 19 March 2015
Homocysteine and Coronary Heart Disease: Meta-analysis of MTHFR Case-Control Studies, Avoiding Publication Bias
Clarke R, Bennett D A, Parish S, Verhoef P, Dotsch-Klerk M, Lathrop M, Xu P, Nordestgaard B G, Holm H, Hopewell J C, Saleheen D, Tanaka T, Anand S S, Chambers J C, Kleber M E, Ouwehand W H, Yamada Y, Elbers C, Peters B, Stewart A F R, Reilly M M, Thorand B, Yusuf S, Engert J C, Assimes T L, Kooner J, Danesh J, Watkins H, Samani N J, Collins R, Peto R, Mthfr Studies Collaborative Grp

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