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Access to the live conference:
9h00 - 9h05 | Welcome of the day by Martin Himly, PLUS (Chair of NSC WG-A) |
9h05 - 10h00 | Block 1 - Emerging approaches in nanorisk assessment
- Session 1: New developments in human hazard assessment - focus on AOP, QSAR, IATA9:05-9:15 h (i) Session intro on “The
Why and What and How of AOPs and various emerging approaches – QSAR,
NAMs, IATA” by Session Chair Peter Hoet, KathUni Leuven 9:15-9:30 h (ii) “Beyond chemocentric models: from toxicogenomics to integrated approaches
for IATA development” by Dario Greco, Uni Tampere 9:30-9:45 h (iii) AOPs and data integration within Nanosafety” by Penny Nymark, Karolisnka Institutet 9:45-10 h
(iv) “Showcasing the AOP-Wiki Resource Description Framework – why
nano-AOPs do not exist” by Marvin Martens, Uni Maastricht
10h00 - 10h05
Short break
10h05 - 11h00
- Session 2: Exposure & life cycle assessment - determination & modeling10:05 h Introduction of Session Chair Wouter Fransman, TNO 10:05-10:15 h (i) “Extrapolation (i.e. re-use) of exposure measurement data for similar exposure scenarios and/or similar materials - from regular chemicals to NMs” by Remy Franken, TNO 10:15-10:30 h (ii) “Sharing of release and exposure measurement data” by Camilla Delpivo, Leitat 10:30-10:45 h (iii) “Efficiency testing and implementation of risk management measures to mitigate exposure to NMs” by Henk Goede, TNO 10:45-11:00 h (iv) “Life cycle thinking in nanoform release assessment” by Nathan Bossa, Leitat
11h00 - 11h05
Virtual coffee, tea & sweets break
11h05 –12h
Block 2 – Data workshop & e-tools for nano & beyond
- Session 3: Data FAIRness, metadata completeness, scientific quality assurance11:05-11:10 h (i) Session intro “Experiences from NanoFASE going FAIR” by Session Chair Claus Svendsen, UKCEH 11:10-11:35 h (ii) “When is a metadata set complete?” showcasing (a) specific example(s) with discussion moderated by Thomas Exner, Edelweiss Connect 11:35-12 h (iii) “How to implement (scientific) FAIR principles in my work?” showcasing support in data FAIRness for projects by Ammar Ammar, Uni Maastricht
12h05 - 13h00
- Session 4: Spectrum of e-tools along data life cycle
12:05-12:15 h (i) Session intro “Data life cycle - generation processing, evaluation, prediction, curation” by Session Chair Iseult Lynch, UoB
12:15-12:25 h (ii) “Showcasing the NanoCommons exposure/risk assessment tool: http://enaloscloud.novamechanics.com/nanocommons/exposure/” by Periklis Tsiros, Harry Sarimveis, NTUA 12:25-12:35 (iii) “Showcasing read-across of NM properties (i.e. zeta potential) to cytotoxicity using NanoSolveIT’s and NanoCommons nanoinformatics models: https://cellviability.cloud.nanosolveit.eu/ and http://enaloscloud.novamechanics.com/nanocommons/mszeta/” by Tassos Papadiamantis, UoB, NovaMechanics, Georgia Melagraki, Antreas Afantitis NovaMechanics 12:35-12:45 (iv) “Showcasing NanoSolveIT’s human exposure assessment: https://aerosol.cloud.nanosolveit.eu/1/” by Nikolaos Cheimarios, Andreas Tsoumanis, Georgia Melagraki, Antreas Afantitis, NovaMechanics
12:45-12:55 h (v) “Idea, methodology, current state of the NanoInformaTIX platform” by Gianpetro Basei, Greendecision 12:55-13:00 h (vi) “Call for action on the Gracious Ontology-Wiki” by Thomas Exner, Edelweiss Connect |
13h00 - 14h30 | Working lunch and NSC General Assembly |
14h30 - 14h45 | Virtual coffee, tea & sweets break |
14h45 - 15h45 | Block 3 - NanoRisk Governance & Safe-by-Design concepts - fit for translation to sustainable development?
- Session 5: Features of nanoRGFs in development & current NRGC concepts14:45-14:55 h (i) “What do we need a NRG Council for, who are its stakeholders and what are their needs?” by Marie-Valentin Florin, NanoRigo 14:55-15:05 h (ii) “What can we expect from a future NRG Council and what is the current view on its design” by Rob Aitken, Gov4Nano 15:05-15:25 h (iii) “Screening ethical issues for governance of nanorisk” by Ineke Malsh, RiskGone (http://enaloscloud.novamechanics.com/riskgone/thresholdanalysis/) 15:25-15:45 h (iv) “Insight into the nanorisk governance process guided by the NanoRigo NRG framework” by Arto Säämänen , and “Requirements on NRG frameworks by insurances and other societal stakeholders” by Martin Mullins, NanoRigo
15h45 - 15h50 | Short break
15h50 - 16h50 | Session 6: Elements of SbD for sustainable development & innovation15:50-15:55 h (i) Session intro “SbD - from philosophy to application” by Session Chair Andrew Nelson (SABYDOMA)
15:55-16:10 h (ii) “Elevator pitches by other 3 NMBP-15 projects” by Soco Vazquez (SABYNA), Carlos Fito (SbD4Nano), Anna Costa (ASINA) 16:10-16:20 h (iii) “Presenting two case studies (CS) to apply different SbD concepts: (a) CS1 on SbD for Covid-19: antiviral coating, strategies for pharma” by Anna Costa; arising questions for SbD application in CS1 16:20-16:30 h (b) “CS2 on SbD in plastics/3D printing/additive manufacturing” by Soco Vazquez; arising questions for SbD applications in CS2 16:30-16:45 h (iv) General discussion of views/feelings moderated by Susanne Resch, BNN, for CS1 and Soco Vazquez, Leitat, for CS2
16:45-16:50 h (v) Session summary & outlook to green innovation jointly by Andrew Nelson and Martin Himly
16h50 - 17h00 | Virtual refreshments, coffee, tea & sweets break |
| The focus of the sessions will be on gains to the entire process, explaining how the tools fit into the wider strategy and what remains after the projects have finished, where to find further info to get things applied in users’ own hands. |
17h00 - 18h00 | NSC Plenary Session |