PSP is a Compact Model for bulk Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET's).
It has been selected by the Compact Model Coalition (CMC) as a world standard transistor compact model for the semiconductor industry. It is available in many of today's commercial circuit simulators.
PSP is a surface-potential based MOS Model, containing all relevant physical effects (mobility reduction, velocity saturation, DIBL, gate current, lateral doping gradient effects, STI stress, etc.) to model present-day and upcoming deep-submicron bulk CMOS technologies. PSP not only gives an accurate description of currents, charges, and their first order derivatives (i.e. transconductance, conductance and capacitances), but also of the higher order derivatives, resulting in an accurate description of electrical distortion behavior. The latter is especially important for analog and RF circuit design. The model furthermore gives an accurate description of the noise behavior of MOSFETs. Finally, PSP has an option for simulation of non-quasi-static (NQS) effects.
Distributions of PSP come with the JUNCAP2 diode model. Within PSP, either JUNCAP2, or optionally a high-speed approximation of it ( JUNCAP-EXPRESS), is applied to describe the diodes that are formed by the source, drain, or well-to-bulk junctions in MOSFETs. The physics based JUNCAP2 model can also be used as a stand-alone, independent diode model. JUNCAP2 accurately describes junction depletion capacitance, forward and reverse currents (in great physical detail), avalanche, breakdown and shot noise.
Until and including 2011, the PSP model has been developed jointly by NXP Research (formerly part of Philips Research) and the group of Prof. Gildenblat at Arizona State University (formerly at Penn State University). Until 2014, the model has been further developed jointly by NXP Research and Delft University of Technology.
Since 2015, PSP is jointly developed by NXP Research and CEA-Leti.