
TRIPOLI-4® is the fourth generation of the continuous-energy radiation transport Monte Carlo code developed by the Service d'Études des Réacteurs et de Mathématiques Appliquées (SERMA) at CEA, Paris-Saclay center​.

TRIPOLI-4® is general-purpose Monte Carlo code devoted to shielding, reactor physics with depletion, criticality safety and nuclear instrumentation for both fission and fusion systems. The code has been under development at CEA since the mid-60s, at the Fontenay-aux-Roses center first, then at the Saclay center. Version 4 has been developed starting from the mid 90s in C++, with a few parts in C and Fortran.

The latest release of TRIPOLI-4 is version 12.1, as of December 2024.

The reference that should be cited when using Tripoli-4® is:

  • E. Brun, F. Damian, C.M. Diop, E. Dumonteil, F.X. Hugot, C. Jouanne, Y.K. Lee, F. Malvagi, A. Mazzolo, O. Petit, J.C. Trama, T. Visonneau, A. Zoia, Tripoli-4®, CEA, EDF and AREVA reference Monte Carlo code, Annals of Nuclear Energy 82, 151-160 (2015).